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"Having taken the course in prep for the July 2018 bar, and falling short again by about 100 pts, I followed up with a 2nd round with your course in prep for California Feb 2019 exam. I am happy to tell you I PASSED. I sincerely appreciate the instruction and the materials which you and the team have developed. I sincerely believe the PT carried me through on this exam. I worked with the sample PT’s with focus on being “point on responsive” and developed a much better notation/outlining approach which allowed me to finish the end of the day with real confidence I did the very best I could. I am an AVID FAN and continue to suggest my student friends take a good look at your program. My appreciation goes out to you and the team."
"Dr. Sacuzzo’s approach to the P.T. is hands down miles above BarBri’s or that Matrix approach. He has a no nonsense, get to the crux of the issues approach to the P.T. You only have 90 minutes to give it your best shot sorting out a dense library of material that is worth the grade of two essays. Why waste time over-complicating things with unnecessary matrices or over zealous outlines? I found Dr. Sacuzzo’s approach to be highly time efficient and effective."
"My name is on the pass list. I can't say enough good things about Bar Secrets!"
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You will only be registered and/or signed up for things you haven't already registered or signed up for. Events include Dr. Saccuzzo's general and detailed predictions, score letter interpretation, and more.